The Tokarz Research Group performs interdisciplinary research at the interface of bioanalytical and physical chemistry, biophysics, nonlinear optics and microscopy. We are interested in understanding how complex biological functions such as light-harvesting, biodegradation of plants, and synthesis of organic biopolymers, are performed efficiently by large and seemingly disorganized macromolecular complexes. Our approach involves the development of new optical techniques for video-rate analysis of ultrastructure in biological and artificial microscopic systems.

Danielle Tokarz
Associate Professor
danielle (dot) tokarz (at) smu.ca
Adjunct Professor
Department of Chemistry
Saint Mary's University
923 Robie Street
Halifax, NS Canada B3H 3C3
School of Biomedical Engineering
Dalhousie University
Halifax, NS Canada B3H 4R2
We are seeking highly motivated enthusiastic students interested in graduate studies (M.Sc. or Ph.D.) to join our group. Potential applicants should send a cover letter, C.V., and unofficial transcript to Dr. Tokarz in pdf format. Please note that students must apply for admission directly through the Department of Chemistry at Saint Mary's University. The availability of graduate student positions is variable and depends on current funding, the current group size, and calibre of the candidate.
Undergraduate research opportunities are also available through summer fellowships (e.g. NSERC USRA and SMUworks), thesis projects (e.g. CHEM 4500), international internships and volunteer positions.
Postdoctoral applicants with funding are welcome to apply. Applications should include a CV, cover letter, and contact information for 2-3 references. Only qualified applicants will be contacted.